2020 Harvest Going Well
Good Corn Yields – Beans Nearly Completed
Trent is pleased with his harvest progress so far. He has harvested about 80% of his soybeans and now will proceed on his corn crop. His corn is 30% harvested “because the beans were ready first, so we did them.” The weather has been unusually favorable the past few weeks, with very few rainy days to disrupt the field work. Trent is also happy with the recent upswing in soybean prices.
Trent’s yields vary from field to field. His soybeans are yielding 60-80 bushels per acre. The corn he has picked so far has produced 190-220 bushels per acre. The variability is due to varying planting times for the various fields. Trent calls this “above average to very excellent.”
More from The Field Report
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