Great Planting Weather Gets Seed In Ground

Published On: April 24, 2023

Trent Brandenburg enjoyed a marvelous week of perfect planting weather this month. He has completed planting 80 per cent of his corn acreage and 20 per cent of his soybeans. There’s still a third of April remaining!! The nights have been too cool the past week for quick germination. The sunny and breezy days dried the top of the topsoil for easy planting. Soon the rich, dark soils of Central Illinois will have thin, green rows of tiny corn and soybean seedlings, stretching to the horizon. It’s easy to be optimistic about the forthcoming crop year as one watches the annual miracle of the little green rows.

Trent is also happy to be farming in Piatt County, Illinois, which, last year, produced the highest average per-acre soybean yield in the nation, 74.2 bushels.

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