Corn Tassels and Bean Blossoms

Published On: July 20, 2020

Corn Evens Out After Unusual Planting Season – Soybeans are Blossoming

Trent Brandenburg is happy to see corn tassels and bean blossoms across his farm fields. His corn crop started out uneven due to cool and rainy weather and resultant ponding. As the season progressed, the corn growth has evened out so the crop now looks good. His replanted corn hasn’t tasseled yet, but there is still time for a decent replant crop, as well.

Trent’s soybeans are blooming. The plants are shorter than usual, which Trent attributes to the cool nights. They are otherwise growing well. “All they need now is rain,” Trent observed. Trent has been fortunate not to get the hail damage that hit farms in nearby Champaign County recently, stripping foliage from both corn and soybean plants, and causing roof damage to farm buildings. There has still been ponding from heavy rains but generally the crops look good.

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