Beans Nearly Done, Corn Next – September 2017
Trent Brandenburg is about two days’ field work away from finishing his soybean harvest. He decided to harvest his soybean crop before starting on his corn harvest. Two weeks ago the moisture content of his corn was 36%, way too high to store. Due to the very dry weather, Trent has experienced in the past few months (half the normal rainfall), Trent decided to let his corn dry down in the field rather than pay the elevator to dry it. So he went ahead harvesting soybeans. His corn is now dried to 13-17% and ready to harvest.
Trent is happy with his soybean crop. His overall average yield is about 65 bushels per acre. “There are some 70s and 80s out there, which is surprising considering the wet spring and dry summer,” Trent concluded. He expects to finish his corn harvest in about two and a half weeks, “depending on the weather, as usual.”
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