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So far Fred has created 96 blog entries.

Trent Is 90% Done With Corn, 100% With Beans

Trent rated his corn crop "better than expected. Not a bumper crop and not below average." Trent had completed his soybean harvest several weeks ago. His corn harvest was delayed due to frequent rains making field conditions too muddy.

2022-04-28T15:01:49-05:00November 1, 2017|

Beans Nearly Done, Corn Next – September 2017

Trent Brandenburg is about two days' field work away from finishing his soybean harvest. He decided to harvest his soybean crop before starting on his corn harvest. Two weeks ago the moisture content of his corn was 36%, way too high to store.

2022-04-28T15:01:53-05:00October 4, 2017|

Harvest Begins September 10, 2017

Trent Brandenburg expects to begin picking corn on September 10, depending on the weather. Recent rains have helped his soybean pod fill, "but we could use some more," he added hopefully, but then admitting that the next rain might be too late, as the pods are "beginning to turn."

2022-04-28T15:02:02-05:00August 28, 2017|

“It’s Looking Pretty Good”

Trent Brandenburg is pleased with his corn and soybean crops' recovery from a challenging start to the crop year. "You can't see the holes," he observed, referring to how the crops have developed enough to mask some smaller ponded areas.

2022-04-28T15:02:17-05:00July 31, 2017|

5.5 Inches Of Rain Overnight

Asked what a farmer does when 5.5 inches of rain falls on his place overnight, Trent Brandenburg replied,"Stay in the house!" During the overnight between Thursday and Friday, May 18 and 19, a 5.5-inch rainfall was reported at Cerro Gordo. Trent knew of measurements up to 7 inches.

2022-04-28T15:02:44-05:00May 23, 2017|

Corn Planted and Growing, Beans Going In

Trent Brandenburg completed his corn planting April 21. His earliest corn planting is up and growing well. Much of his later corn planting is sprouting, but it has been slower to due to the cooler weather in the past week.

2022-04-28T15:02:49-05:00April 24, 2017|

Rows Of Bright Green Corn Seedlings In Weeks

Trent Brandenburg has been getting ready to plant for a couple of months, going over machinery maintenance, seed and chemical orders, and watching the weather. Trent wants to do some spring pre-plant tillage, but needs a little rain first. He does not want to work his soil as dry as it is, because if there is then no rain, the newly-tilled soil will get dry too deep for quick, dependable germination.

2022-04-28T15:02:56-05:00March 28, 2017|

“We Need Higher Prices”

Trent Brandenburg has completed his harvest. He is happy for the excellent yields, "not quite as good as '14." The harvest went smoothly. "Nobody got hurt." Trent regards 2016 as "a good year."

2022-04-28T15:03:09-05:00November 22, 2016|

Crops Look Good Overall, But Not As Good As Last Year

Trent Brandenburg has his corn and soybean planting done, side dressing done, corn sprayed and beans yet to spray. Corn is "not so good on some soils," Trent said, noting that poor germination in cold, wet soils, took a toll. "It's not the best, but uneconomic to replant, so we'll leave it," he concluded.

2022-04-28T15:03:46-05:00June 14, 2016|
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